Saint Olaf Catholic Church

Saint Olaf Catholic Church

276 East 1700 South

Bountiful, Utah 84010

Phone: 801.295.3621

Office Hours: 

Mon.-Thurs. from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.  

Driving Directions​​

      Saint Olaf Catholic School

             1793 South Orchard Drive

             Bountiful, Utah 84010

Office Hours: Mon-Thur. 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Phone: 801.295.5341

Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City

​​​​​Liturgy Schedule

Weekend Masses:

Saturday Vigil: 5:30 p.m. 
Sunday: 9:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. 

Daily Masses:                

Monday  6:00 p.m.

Tuesday 8:00 a.m.

Wednesday  8:00 a.m.
     ** 9:00 a.m. (When school is in session)

Thursday  8:00 a.m.

Friday  8:00 a.m.

Holy Days of Obligation:

Call the office at 801.295.3621 


Saturday, 4:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the church

                  or by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration

First Fridays

9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. in the Church

Intermountain Catholic Newspaper

Utah's Official Catholic Newspaper

The mission of Intermountain Catholic Newspaper is to publish a weekly newspaper serving the Catholics in Utah with news, features, and commentary in a manner that is consistent with excellent journalistic standards and the ecclesial edification of the readership.

Saint Olaf Parish School​ 

Catholic Schools Week January 26—February 1.

Interested in sending your child to Catholic School? Come find out how we combine rigorous academics and strong faith at St. Olaf Catholic School. We have improved our academic test scores in multiple subjects and have made significant infrastructure improvements and enhancements to both our legacy and new buildings. There are multiple scholarships available to help with tuition. Enrollment and re-enrollment for next academic year is upon us!


Sunday, January 26 at 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.!

Save the Date: Our Annual Dinner and Auction will be held Saturday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m.. If you have spare baskets, especially from gifts around the holiday time, please bring the baskets to the school or parish. The School’s Auction Planning Team is collecting many sizes and styles of baskets to display all the awesome Auction items.

Save the Date!

The Bountiful Philharmonia will perform a beautiful Chamber Orchestra Concert on Saturday, February 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. All welcome!

Calling all Artists

Artists from all disciplines are invited to create artwork reflecting the “Pilgrims of Hope” theme of the Jubilee Year 2025, to be showcased at the Cathedral of the Madeleine.

Artists may submit work in a variety of media, including drawings, paintings, sculptures and cards. The artwork will be displayed in the Scanlan Hall during a Feb 15 social night and after the Masses on Feb 16. Those interested in participating in this event may contact Mr. Schiereck through text to 801-604-6215 or by email:

Use of the Cry Room

Please do not sit in the cry room unless you have a child in need of calm and quiet. If you arrive after mass has started, please come into the church to find a seat to sit with the community. Please leave the space and seats in the cry room for parents calming their children.

Full Cry Room Message


Online: $2,110, Envelopes: $2,900, Loose: $1,945, School: $180, Maintenance: $360

Diocesan Development Drive

Your generous stewardship to fund the diocesan ministries, programs, and services is vital to keeping the Catholic faith alive in Utah.


Saint Olaf Facebook

Please check out our Facebook page:​​

New Parishioners

Welcome to Saint Olaf parish. We are happy to have you.

Please stop at the office, 276 East 1700 South, Bountiful, UT Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to register with the parish or fill out a registration form below and drop it in the collection basket. 

Questions? How can I help?


Parish Registration Form

Formulario de Registracion ​.​


Second Collection

​​There will be a Second Collection the weekend of January 25th/26th for the Church in Latin America.

Thank you for your generosity.

Office Notes

ⴕ The office will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday on Monday, January 20, 2025.

ⴕ Ushers are needed for all Saturday evening 5:30 p.m. Masses. Anyone may be an usher! Please call the church office if you’d like to be an usher.

ⴕ Reminder: There are LOOP hearing devices available in the back of the church free for use during weekend masses by anyone interested in listening assistance.

ⴕ Please leave the space in the cry room for parents calming their children.

Save the Date!

All woman of the parish are invited to read and pray together for a 9-week Bible study called Passionate Discipleship, focusing on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel Meeting Room starting February 27.  Facilitators: Jean Dolling and Amy Henry. More information to follow.


Over 500 Utahns from 13 parishes and missions in the Diocese of Salt Lake City began the New Year seeking Jesus at SEEK25, joining almost 17,000 other Catholics, 100 Priests and Deacons, and 46 Bishops from across the country. Let us pray as a community for the young people in the Church and our parish that all may grow in their faith and focus their lives on Jesus Christ. Watch the incredible content from



Please be aware of emails and texts pretending to come from Father Andrzej asking to purchase gift cards or other items. These are scams! Neither he nor other priests will send these requests via email or text...ever!​​​

Saint Olaf Church Endowments

The Saint Olaf Catholic Church Endowment Provides financial support for our church at the discretion of the pastor.

The Saint Charles Borromeo Endowment Provides financial support for the formation, development, or enrichment of St. Olaf Catholic Church parish volunteers (Faith Formation and OCIA catechists, Lay Ecclesial Ministers) serving in catechetical, theological, or spiritual ministry. Saint Charles Borromeo is the patron saint of bishops, catechists and seminarians

Catholic Foundation of Utah

Please prayerfully consider Saint Olaf Church/School in your will and estate planning. With God’s grace, the Foundation is here to help and be in partnership with you. For information, contact The Catholic Foundation of Utah, Nevah Stevenson
Executive Director, Catholic Foundation of Utah(801) 456-9306​

News & Events